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How To Reduce The Risk Factors Of Cardiovascular Disease!

Are you interested in reducing the risk factors for cardiovascular disease? Do you want to have a healthy and robust heart?

A sedentary lifestyle is a risk factor for cardiovascular disease: people who exercise little are twice as likely to have a heart attack and three times more likely to die from the attack than people who exercise regularly.

Regular physical activity is one of the most critical elements for reducing cardiovascular risk and is one factor that can be changed without drug treatment, but only with a little effort. With regular physical activity, the heart becomes more robust and more resistant to fatigue.

Aerobic activity increases the body’s demand for oxygen and increases the heart and lungs’ workload, making the heart and circulation more efficient.

A trained heart pumps more blood without additional expenditure of energy. Exercise regularly decreases the risk of cardiovascular disease and stroke.

The good news is that you can change certain bad habits that are endangering your heart health with a little effort. Change these habits below.

Spending too much time sitting

Do you exercise regularly? Perfect! If you spend most of the time sitting, it could be a problem. Your body needs to stay active throughout the day, even if it involves small actions.

In case you have an office job, it is essential to take a short walk at least every hour to promote blood circulation. You can walk around in the office to activate your leg’s blood circulation and give your back and neck some rest. Keep moving is easier than you think.

Are you watching your favourite show? How about doing some neck and eyes exercise during commercial breaks? You can also use a treadmill or exercise bike while watching TV.

Believing yourself too young

Postponing the necessary health checkups on your health and heart is a prevalent thing nowadays. Exercising, eating a healthy diet, knowing your blood pressure, cholesterol, and blood sugar levels are habits to cultivate as soon as possible.

It will not only improve your health but your body as well. The perfect time to take care of the heart and body health is now.

You do not know the raw numbers of your health.

What is your cholesterol level? What about your blood pressure? Have you any idea? Bad habits, such as ignoring this information, are genuinely troubling.

These values ​​could indicate the presence of problems that you do not even suspect. You may feel wonderful despite having high blood pressure or cholesterol. If you are over the age of 20, it’s a good idea to have a full checkup every 4 or 6 months.

Regular physical activity plays an important role in achieving or maintaining a healthy weight. The amount of physical activity is as important as the food we eat, because having the right weight means balancing the energy consumed by the body through food and that consumed with physical activity.

Overweight people are more prone to hypertension and to have a high cholesterol value, and therefore have a greater risk of suffering from cardiovascular disease.

Healthy Heart, 7 Tips to Keep it always at its Best

Engaging in moderate physical activity, at least three hours per week, is essential for maintaining good heart health and reducing the risk of suffering from coronary heart disease. The heart is the most important muscle in the body and we often don’t give it the care it deserves, at least until something no longer works as it should.

Heart disease is a leading cause of death around the world. To avoid these health problems, we recommend that you keep your heart healthy. But how is it done? We explain it to you in this article.

Tips for a healthier heart

The healthy habits are essential to live better and longer. Reducing the risk of suffering from heart disease is simple, but it depends on the effort we are ready to make and how much we want to change our daily life. The little things of everyday life can make the difference between having a healthy heart and suffering from heart disease.

In addition to those factors that we cannot change (gender, age, genetic inheritance, etc.), it is worth making the effort and leading a healthier life to take care of this important muscle. So, pay attention to our tips today.

Always Adopt a balanced diet

It is not a question of abandoning flour, fried foods or sugars forever, or of starting a vegetarian diet, but simply of combining well the foods we eat. The abuse of saturated fats and industrially produced foods must be avoided, as the amount consumed of these products is directly proportional to the risk of suffering from heart problems.

  • It is also very important to pay attention to the consumption of salt, red meat and pastry products.
  • Also, adding more fruits and vegetables to your diet will allow you not only to have a healthier heart, but also to improve the functions of all other organs.
  • Legumes, nuts and whole meal flour must also be present in your dishes.

Do Exercise Regularly

A sedentary lifestyle is one of the main risk factors for coronary heart disease. Sport, on the other hand, is full of benefits, including weight loss, the prevention of arteriosclerosis and the reduction of cholesterol and blood sugar levels.

For adults, it is recommended that you do at least 150 minutes of moderate physical activity per week (or 75 minutes of strenuous exercise) to maintain a healthy heart. The ideal sports are aerobic ones: walking fast, cycling, swimming or running.

Eat healthy Food and Snaks

Whether you are at home or in the office, try to change the habits that drive you to choose unhealthy snacks between meals. In the middle of the morning, instead of choosing a latte with a croissant, eat a yogurt with cereals or a fruit.

  • When you get home from work, choose sunflower seeds or almonds instead of lying on the sofa with a packet of chips.
  • Healthy snacks don’t have to be boring or bland.
  • How about some stick carrots with hummus or aborigine cream? Or a sandwich with whole meal bread, avocado and lean turkey? There are thousands of options to choose from!

Reduce Stress

Obviously there is a very close relationship between nervousness and anxiety and heart problems. Some people are more likely to suffer from stress or get overwhelmed by negative thoughts. If you are one of these people, you urgently need some relaxation techniques. You can try yoga, meditation or even therapy.

Avoid smoking and alcohol

Tobacco contains many dangerous substances which, in addition to being a major cause of lung or esophageal cancer, also have a harmful effect on the heart, veins and arteries. Cigarette smoking increases the chance of thrombosis and reduces blood flow. You also need to be careful if you don’t smoke, because you run the same risks when someone close to you has this habit.

As for the consumption of alcohol, it must be emphasized that a glass of red wine a day is not bad; indeed it is excellent for health.

Other alcoholic beverages, however, especially if consumed in excess, because serious heart problems. The appearance of cardiovascular disease is closely linked to excessive alcohol consumption.

Maintain your ideal weight

Problems of obesity and being overweight are also linked to various heart problems. Body mass index is a fact that can help you figure out exactly how many pounds or inches you need to lose (although it’s not the only useful method).

  • Losing 10% of your body weight is enough to regulate blood pressure and improve arterial health.
  • Knowing what our ideal size or weight is does not have to be a reason for obsession and weight loss at any cost.
  • Reducing the quantities little by little is much healthier than starting a “miracle” diet that promises to lose 10 kilos in a week. You don’t even have to stop eating to reach your goal, because you will only go hungry.

Get enough sleep

How much would “enough” be? It depends on each of us, but a young adult is estimated to need between 6 and 8 hours of sleep a night. Adopting the right sleep habits is good for your heart, as it reduces the risk of suffering from rapid heartbeat or heart attacks.

If we sleep only a few hours, our body is unable to produce the necessary amount of serotonin, which takes care of making us feel good and helps to have a healthy heart. If the body does not get the right dose of this hormone, it can trigger a greater desire to eat and drink.

corona myths

9 Myths about the Coronavirus that you should not believe

The World Health Organization (WHO) rejects false ‘advice’ that has circulated as alleged ways to prevent the spread of the disease

Myths debunked by the WHO:

1) Can washing my nose regularly with saline can help prevent new coronavirus infections?
There is no evidence that regular washing of the nose with saline has protected people from infection with the new coronavirus.

2) Can eating garlic help prevent coronavirus infections?
Garlic is a healthy food that may have some macrobiotic properties, but there is no evidence that eating it has protected people from the new coronavirus.

3) Do pneumonia vaccines protect against coronavirus?
No. Pneumonia vaccines do not provide protection against the coronavirus. The virus is new and different. You need your own vaccine.

4) Is it safe to receive a letter or package from China?
Yes, it is safe. People receiving packages from China are at no risk of contracting the virus. Based on previous analyzes, we know that the coronavirus does not survive long on objects such as letters or packages.

5) Does putting or eating sesame oil block the entry of coronavirus into the body?
No. Sesame oil is delicious, but it doesn’t kill the virus.

6) Can domestic pets spread the new coronavirus?
So far there is no evidence that companion animals/pets such as cats or dogs can become infected with the virus. However, it is a good idea to wash your hands with soap and water after having contact with pets.

7) Does the new coronavirus affect older people, or are young people also susceptible?
People of all ages can be infected by the virus.

Seniors and those with pre-existing medical conditions appear to be more vulnerable to becoming seriously ill from the virus.

8) Are antibiotics effective in preventing and treating the new coronavirus?
No, antibiotics don’t work against viruses, only against bacteria. Antibiotics should not be used as a form of prevention or treatment of the coronavirus.

9. Is there a specific medicine to prevent or treat the new coronavirus?
To date, there is no recommended medicine to prevent or treat the virus. WHO is helping to accelerate research and development efforts with a number of colleagues.

Coronavirus: Important Facts and Myths

What is Coronavirus

The Coronavirus identified in Wuhan, China, for the first time in late 2019 is a new viral strain that has never previously been identified in humans. It has been called SARS-CoV-2 and the respiratory disease that causes Covid-19.

What are the symptoms?

Like other respiratory diseases, the new coronavirus can cause mild symptoms such as a cold, sore throat, cough, and fever, or more severe symptoms such as pneumonia and breathing difficulties.

What to do in case of symptoms

Those who experience flu symptoms or respiratory problems must not go to the emergency room but must call 011-22307145 (Delhi Helpline Number) who will evaluate each situation and explain what to do. For general information call +91-11-23978046, the public utility number activated by the Ministry of Health.

Does the new coronavirus only affect older people or even younger people?

The people most susceptible to severe forms are the elderly and those with chronic diseases such as diabetes and heart disease.

Here are some useful Tips to Prevent from Covid19

  1. Wash your hands often
  • Hand washing and disinfection are decisive for preventing infection.
  • Hands should be washed with soap and water for at least 20 seconds.
  • If no soap and water are available, a 60% alcohol-based hand sanitizer can also be used.
  • Washing your hands eliminates the virus.
  1. Avoid close contact with people suffering from acute respiratory infections

Keep at least one meter away from other people, especially when they cough or sneeze or have a fever because the virus is contained in saliva droplets and can be transmitted at close range.

  1. Do not touch your eyes, nose, and mouth with your hands
  • The virus is mainly transmitted by the respiratory tract, but it can also enter the body through the eyes, nose, and mouth, therefore avoid touching them with unwashed hands.
  • In fact, your hands can come into contact with surfaces contaminated by the virus and transmit it to your body. 
  1. Cover your mouth and nose if you sneeze or cough

If you have an acute respiratory infection, avoid close contact with other people, cough inside the elbow or a handkerchief, preferably disposable, wear a mask and wash your hands. If you cover your mouth with your hands you could contaminate objects or people you come into contact with.

  1. Do not take antiviral drugs or antibiotics unless prescribed by your doctor

At present, there is no scientific evidence that the use of antiviral drugs prevents new coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2) infection. Antibiotics don’t work against viruses, but only against bacteria. SARS-CoV-2 is, in fact, a virus and therefore antibiotics are not used as a means of prevention or treatment unless bacterial co-infections occur.

  1. Clean the surfaces with chlorine or alcohol-based disinfectants

Chemical disinfectants that can kill new coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2) on surfaces include bleach / chlorine-based disinfectants, solvents, 75% ethanol, peracetic acid, and chloroform.

Your doctor and pharmacist will be able to advise you.

  1. Use the mask only if you suspect you are ill or assist sick people
  • The World Health Organization recommends wearing a mask only if you suspect you have contracted the new coronavirus, and are experiencing symptoms such as coughing or sneezing, or if you are caring for a person with suspected new coronavirus infection (recent trip to China and symptoms respiratory).
  • Use of the mask
  • Helps to limit the spread of the virus, but must be adopted in addition to other hygiene measures such as careful hand washing for at least 20 seconds.
  • It is not useful to wear multiple overlapping masks.
  1. MADE IN CHINA products and parcels received from China are not dangerous

The World Health Organization has stated that people who receive parcels from China are not at risk of contracting the new coronavirus because it is unable to survive on surfaces for long. To date, we have no evidence that objects produced in China or elsewhere, can transmit the new coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2).

  1. Pets do not spread the new coronavirus

At the moment, there is no evidence that pets such as dogs and cats can be infected with the virus.

However, it is always good to wash your hands with soap and water after contact with pets.

  1. Call Central Helpline Number for corona-virus: – +91-11-23978046

Endocarditis Surgery

Endocarditis is the infection that affects the heart valves or any structure within it (valve prostheses, pacemaker cables or defibrillators, and other catheters).

Each year, 3-4 new cases are detected per 100,000 inhabitants. Their frequency increases with age so that in individuals aged 70-80 the incidence reaches 15 cases per 100,000 inhabitants. Read more

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